ICE forum

The workshops provided an opportunity for representatives from a number of organisations to share their practice and knowledge in the light of current developments – particularly CAD software and object modelling. There is an acceptance that there needs to be a common method of classifying information and that Uniclass is a good start.

The first tables of Uniclass are easily usable to describe the facility to be provided and the entities and spaces within these facilities. The tables which are being used by CAD software developers are tables G and L.

The group agreed that it would be easier to classify projects such as railways and highways, if the elements for construction were combined into one table – G – rather than being split between tables G and H. An exercise has been carried out to generate this new table.

As a result of this exercise the group has identified the need to develop other tables, such as tables J and K to help to relate the elements in table G to the products in table L.

A further meeting is to be arranged to discuss this.