Uniclass2 Proposed Tables

Proposed tables and designations

Following feedback the proposal to number the tables has been revised and the tables will now use alpha characters for naming. The name of the facilities table is being changed to Complexes. The new proposal for table designations is as follows.

  1. Ac – Activities
  2. Co – Complexes
  3. Ee – Elements
  4. En – Entities
  5. EF – Entities by Form
  6. PP – Project Phases
  7. Pr – Products
  8. Sp – Spaces
  9. Ss – Systems
  10. WR – Work Results
  11. Zz – CAD

In general, the following mappings hold between Uniclass2 and the previous Uniclass:

  1. Ac – Activities is new to both ISO 12006-2 and to Uniclass
  2. Co – Complexes will replace parts of table D (Facilities)
  3. Ee – Elements will replace table G (Elements)
  4. EF – Entities by Form will replace parts of table D (Facilities)
  5. En – Entities will replace parts of table D (Facilities)
  6. PP – Project Phases is new to both ISO 12006-2 and to Uniclass
  7. Pr – Products will replace table L (Construction Products)
  8. Sp – Spaces will replace parts of table D (Facilities)
  9. Ss – Systems is new to both ISO 12006-2 and to Uniclass
  10. WR – Work Results will replace table J (Work sections for buildings) and table K (Work sections for civil engineering works)
  11. Zz – CAD is new to both ISO 12006-2 and to Uniclass

The classification for the architectural and building services sections are the most advanced of these and we will be working with the rail industry, highways authority and the ICE to develop the details for infrastructure and civil engineering projects.

Further tables will be added as they become available.

Comments can be sent to info@cpic.org.uk or added to the Linked in group.